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User Interface

Naninovel comes with multiple built-in UIs: title (main) menu, game settings, save-load menu, backlog panel, CG gallery, tips and many others.

Each of the built-in UIs can be disabled or customized; see UI customization guide for more information.

Adaptive UI Layout

All the built-in UIs are implemented with adaptive layout. This allows the UI to remain usable on all the platforms, no matter the screen resolution.


In case you wish to change how the UIs adapt to the screen resolution and/or aspect ratio or building custom UIs and want to configure the adaptive layout, see the Unity guides and tutorials on uGUI for the available options, eg: Designing UI for Multiple Resolutions ↗.

UI Toggling

UI toggling feature allows user to hide/show the in-game UI as a whole.


Activate ToggleUI input (Space key by default for standalone input module) or use HIDE button on the control panel to hide/show the UI.

When UI is hidden, Continue input or clicking (touching) the screen will also un-hide the UI.

UI Customization

UI customization feature allows to add a custom UI and modify or completely replace any of the built-in UI elements, like title menu, settings menu, printer backlog, etc.

Be aware, that text printers and choice handlers are implemented via actors interface and are customized in a different way; see the corresponding documentation (text printers, choice handlers) for more info.


Before attempting to create custom UIs or modify existing ones first make sure you're familiar with Unity's UI system ↗ (uGUI). While there are video tutorials and example projects for UI customization available below, please be aware that we won't be able to provide any additional guidance or support for Unity's built-in tools; consult the support page for more information.

To add a custom UI or modify (disable) a built-in one, use UI resources manager accessible via Naninovel -> Resources -> UI editor menu.


When the engine is initializing it'll instantiate all the UI prefabs assigned in the resources manager.


Some features (eg, UI toggling) require the UIs to be rendered in Screen Space - Camera mode. For best compatibility, make sure your custom UIs have the correct render mode selected and render camera field is empty (UI manager will assign the camera automatically).


To show or hide any of the UIs listed in the resources manager use @showUI and @hideUI commands respectively.

Adding Custom UI

To add a new custom UI, create a prefab via Create -> Naninovel -> Custom UI asset context menu and add it to the UI resources list. It'll then be instantiated along with the other UI prefabs on the engine initialization.

Following video tutorial shows how to add a custom calendar UI with special reveal and hide animations. The calendar will display a date based on a custom variable, which can be changed via naninovel scripts and is saved with the game. The calendar will automatically update when the variable is changed. All this is achieved without any C# scripting.



Unity project showed in the above video tutorial can be found in the UI sample. It also contains examples for adding credits screen with scroll view and web links, choice buttons with particle effect, using emojis in text printer, adding timestamps to chat printer and others.


Another, more advanced example of adding a custom inventory UI with a grid layout, pagination and drag-drop window can be found in the inventory sample. Specifically, the UI-related scripts are stored at Scripts/Runtime/Inventory/UI and prefabs at Content/UI/Inventory directories.

When you create a new custom UI prefab via the context menu, the prefab will have a Custom UI component attached to the root object. This component (or rather the fact that the component is implementing IManagedUI interface) is essential to make the prefab accepted as a UI by the engine.


Disable Interaction property allows to permanently disable interaction with the UI, no matter the visibility. Requires Canvas Group component on the same game object.

When Visible On Awake is enabled, the UI will be visible when the UI is instantiated (right after the engine is initialized) and vice-versa.

When Control Opacity is enabled and Canvas Group component is attached to the same game object, Alpha property of the Canvas Group component will be changed in sync with the current visibility state of the UI element. Fade Time will then control time (duration in seconds) of the opacity fade animation. In case you wish to implement your own effect to accommodate the visibility status of the UI element (eg, slide animation instead of fading the opacity), disable Control Opacity property and use On Show and On Hide Unity events to react on visibility changes.

In case you wish to support gamepad or keyboard navigation over the UI, assign a game object with an interactable component (eg, a Button) to Focus Object property. This object will then be automatically focused when the UI becomes visible allowing to navigate over other interactable objects with a gamepad and/or keyboard. See Unity's guide on UI navigation ↗ for more info on how to set up the navigation behavior.

When Focus Object is assigned, Focus Mode property allows choosing when to focus the object: Visibility mode will focus it right after the UI becomes visible and Navigation will postpone the focus until player activates a navigation key on gamepad (left stick or D-pad) or keyboard (arrow keys).

On Show and On Hide Unity events allow hooking custom handlers to react to the UI visibility changes. For example, you can hook an Animator triggers to fire some custom animations when the UI becomes visible and vice-versa.

When Hide On Load is enabled, the UI will automatically be hidden when the engine is starting a load operation. This usually happens when loading another naninovel script or exiting to title menu.

Enabling Save Visibility State will make the visibility state of the UI persistent, so that when player loads a saved game, the UI will be in the same state (visible or hidden) as it was when the game was saved.

Block Input When Visible allows disabling input processing when the UI is visible. This is useful to prevent the player from using various hotkeys (hiding the UI, continue reading, etc) while he's interacting with the UI. Allowed Samplers allows adding exceptions to the blocked inputs; eg, you can add ToggleUI input name to the list, allowing player to toggle the UI while still preventing activation of any other inputs.

Enabling Modal UI makes all other UIs ignore interaction while the UI is visible. This is similar to Block Input When Visible, but affects event-based interaction (mouse clicks, touches, UI navigation) instead of direct input processing.

Several other components will also be added by default when creating a custom UI:

  • Canvas Group allows hiding the UI by changing the opacity (controlled with Fade Duration) and allows the UI to ignore user interaction when necessary.
  • Canvas Scaler automatically scales the layout to fit current display resolution.
  • Graphic Raycaster allows player to interact with buttons and other interactable elements inside the UI canvas.

You are free to modify or remove any of the above components as you see fit.

Changing Font

To specify, which text elements should be affected by font and text size changes set in game settings, use Font Change Configuration property of Custom UI and derived components.


Each element in the configuration list has following properties:

ObjectThe game object with a text component, which should be affected by font changes.
Include ChildrenWhether to affect container children game objects; when disabled only text component on the specified container object will be affected.
Allow Font ChangeWhether to allow changing font of the text component.
Allow Font Size ChangeWhether to allow changing font size of the text component.
Font SizesActual font sizes to apply for text component. Each element in the list corresponds to font size dropdown list index: Small -> 0, Default -> 1, Large -> 2, Extra Large -> 3 (can be changed via SettingsUI). Default value will be ignored and font size initially set in the prefab will be used instead.

Font Sizes asset can be created via Create -> Naninovel -> Font Sizes assets context menu; use the asset to share common font sizes across multiple UIs.

Specific text font options available in the game settings menu are set up in the UI configuration menu:


Font Resource should specify resources path to TMPro Font asset. By default, Naninovel will use addressable and project resource providers to look for font assets; use Font Loader to change the behaviour. The simplest way to expose font asset while using default settings is to place the font inside Resources/Naninovel/Fonts folder; then you can use the font's asset name as the font resource path. Consult Unity's TextMesh Pro documentation for more info on how to create and configure the fonts.

To change the font outside of Custom UI objects (eg, on choice handler button prefab), use Font Changer component. It has the same font configuration option and can be applied to any game object.

Disabling Built-In UI

To disable a built-in UI remove corresponding record from the UI resources list and the prefab won't be instantiated on engine initialization.

Modifying Built-In UI

If you wish to modify an existing built-in (default) UI prefab, you can find them at Naninovel/Prefabs/DefaultUI package folder.

While it's possible, please refrain from editing the built-in prefabs directly to prevent issues when updating the package. Rather, create a new prefab from template via Create -> Naninovel -> Default UI -> ... asset context menu or manually duplicate the prefab you want to modify (Ctrl/Cmd+D) and move it out of the package folder. Then assign the created/modified prefab to an existing record (Object field) in the UI resources manager.

In the following video tutorial you can learn how to override built-in title (main) menu. It'll also show how to use title script to add a background and special effect when entering the title menu; no C# scripting is used to achieve that.



Unity project showed in the above video tutorial is available in the UI sample.

When creating a new prefab from scratch, make sure to attach a component that implements interface of the UI you're going to override. This component should be attached to the root object of the prefab.

All the UI interfaces are stored under Naninovel.UI namespace:

InterfaceCorresponding UI
IBacklogUIPrinter backlog.
ILoadingUIPanel shown when the game is loading.
IMovieUIUI used to host movies.
ISaveLoadUIPanel used for saving and loading game.
ISceneTransitionUIHandles scene transition (@trans command).
ISettingsUIPanel used for changing game settings.
ITitleUITitle (main) menu of the game.
IExternalScriptsUIExternal scripts browser UI (community modding feature).
IVariableInputUIInput form for assigning an arbitrary text to a custom state variable (used by @input command).
IConfirmationUIUI panel used to confirm important commands (eg, when exiting to the title menu or deleting saved game slot).
ICGGalleryUIUnlockable CG gallery items browser.
ITipsUIUnlockable tips browser.
IRollbackUIIndicator for state rollback feature.
IContinueInputUIA fullscreen invisible UI layer positioned at the bottom of the UI stack and used to activate a continue input trigger when clicked or touched.
IToastUIA general-purpose UI for self-hiding popup notifications aka "toasts"; can be used from naninovel scripts with @toast command.

In order for the UI to support visibility (visible on awake, fade time) and interaction options (disable interaction), also attach a Canvas Group component to the same object.

If you're OK with C# scripting and want to override default logic of the UI, create a new component ↗, implement IManagedUI interface (feel free to inherit the component from CustomUI to fulfill all the interface requirements) and attach the created custom component instead. Check Naninovel/Runtime/UI folder for reference implementations of the built-in UIs. Here is an example of minimal implementation of a custom UI component:

using Naninovel.UI;

public class MyCustomUI : CustomUI


Play Script On Unity Event

When creating custom UIs, you may want to execute some commands or start playing a specific naninovel script in reaction to some events (eg, a button click ↗).

Add Play Script component to a game object and either select an existing naninovel script or write the commands right inside the text area field; then route Unity event ↗ of some other component to invoke Play() method on the Play Script component. The script will be executed when the event is triggered at play mode. The example below hides a custom UI when the button is clicked.


It's also possible to reference Unity event arguments in the script text with {arg} expression; supported arguments types are: string, integer, float and boolean. Below example demonstrates executing camera shake and playing a sound effect when a boolean Unity event is positive and playing a background musing when it's negative.



Conditional block commands (if, else, elseif, endif) are not supported in the script text.

When an existing naninovel script is selected via dropdown list, the script text area will be ignored and selected naninovel script will be played instead of the currently played one; in case you wish to additively execute some commands without interrupting the currently played script, use the script text area.


Find an example on using Play Script component in the UI sample; the component is used on "CloseButton" game object placed inside "Content/UI/Calendar" custom UI prefab.

UI Toolkit

Unity's new UI authoring solution — UI Toolkit ↗ — is not supported out of the box, but can be used with Naninovel with an adapter, which implements IManagedUI interface. Find an example of such adapter in the UI sample.


UI Toolkit is still in early development and miss lots of features compared to the default UI solution (uGUI). Do not use it, unless you're an advanced developer and ready to solve all the related issues. Be aware, that we won't be able to provide any support or guidance on using the toolkit with Naninovel.